Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory
Stone and territory

In this work, strongly linked to the territory in which it is inserted, the designers have chosen to use, for the interior floors and for the sacred furnishing elements, a stone that is extracted in the surrounding area: the Serpeggiano di Minervino. A stone characterized by light and dark beige coloured sinuous veins (wood-like); its beauty is enhanced by the contrast with the darker marble, the Emperador.

A reference to the surrounding area, characterizes the baptismal font, with its octagonal shape, which refers to the nearby Castel del Monte of Frederick II, made with solid wood elements; while for the altar it was chosen to use lightened slabs on honeycomb assembled by joining the veins and thus to achieve the effect of a single block.

Stone and territory